Thursday, April 10, 2014

April MEC & BOD Elections

It is an important year for the s-UA MEC as well as the AFA International Office. Rank and file, WORKING flight attendants are barred from voting for officers at these dizzying heights of power and prestige but that doesn't mean there isn't intense campaigning for these offices on a public level since it is the other members of the "cult" at the local council levels that decide these appointments. They expect this kind of AFA confrontational theatre as a measure of a potential candidates' true mettle and commitment to the oligarchy. Until the constitution and bylaws can be changed to make the AFA-CWA flight attendant sector a truly member driven organization by allowing ALL working flight attendants the right to vote for officers at ALL levels of this so called "democratic" union, it will continue to be an elitist sham.

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