Sunday, January 27, 2013

2013 Election Cycle is Underway

In addition to the vital LEC elections now underway in IAH, nominating cycles have opened in bases throughout the CWA-AFA system providing WORKING flight attendants the opportunity to put in office candidates who support real reform and change.  It is past time to end the altogether corrupt and self-aggrandizing practices of the politicians currently in office whose abysmal handful of subpar contracts in the past FORTY years have done more irreparable economic harm to the flight attendant profession than any airline management they have sought to demonize as a distraction to the continued inability to negotiate contracts intelligently and expeditiously.

Individuals at the LEC level who purport to represent the interest of these WORKING flight attendants are currently mere puppets of the MEC and international officers from whom they take their marching orders.  Defiance and calls for true change by these “representatives” to the very structure of the CWA-AFA flight attendant sector results in frustration and short-lived union careers for those aspiring to more “prestigious” work at the company-within-a-company (AFA) for whom the lowly flight attendant job is not enough.  Long standing abuses of privileged trip trading status, inflated flight pay loss compensation for “union business” and expense reimbursement, publicly unaccounted for and in gross excess of what is truly needed can be ended with a new slate of candidates that will support true reform.  But it all depends upon WORKING flight attendants willing to stand up to the bullying and hysterics that has characterized flight attendant “leadership” since the ”Stewardess Division”  (ALPA-S) split from the Airline Pilots Association in 1973. 

Flight attendants in Mesa Airlines’ Phoenix base, American Eagles’ MIA base, Miami Airs’ MIA base and Spirit Airlines’ FLL base will similarly face the opportunity to retain their local leadership, or vote for new, reform minded candidates who support the direction of change that the majority of AFA flight attendants support.  Whether current officers running for re-election are willing to step up and support what is best for WORKING flight attendants , or are too intimated by “leadership” at the “higher” levels of governance is something flight  attendants should ask of their representatives.  Ask them to put in writing their support of the agenda items at the upcoming Board of Directors meeting that will give flight attendants at all AFA carrier’s control of the union they pay for, and if they decline, seek out people willing to serve their peers rather than their own self interest.

No matter how large or small the airline or base, this MUST be the year that AFA flight attendants take THEIR union back – the time for well paid union careers on the backs of flying partners in exchange for excuses and poorly negotiated contracts is over, and this is the first step.

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Thursday, January 10, 2013



The Labor-Management Reporting and Disclosure Act (LMRDA) - deals with the relationship between a union and its members. The LMRDA grants certain rights to union members and protects their interests by promoting democratic procedures within labor organizations. The Secretary of Labor enforces certain provisions of the LMRDA and has delegated that authority to the Office of Labor-Management Standards (OLMS).

However, the LMRDA only requires that union voting rights be structured precisely as currently codified in the AFA Constitution and Bylaws. It requires that the vote be given to the membership paying union dues at the most basic level, so that those playing the union political game are insulated from further accountability the higher up the ranks (MEC and AFA International) they go.

Hypocrisy defines AFA as the union that likes to take full credit for going above and beyond what is required by federal law for the supposed "benefit" of the flight attendants, whether it be the Known Crewmember program, OSHA, or Family Leave. Yet, they hide behind federal law as an excuse for keeping a fundamental RIGHT OF DEMOCRACY in the hands of the PRIVILEGED few.

An organization that grants voting RIGHTS to their membership as a whole for officers at ALL levels of an organization is an organization that has earned the PRIVILEGE of representing our work force! A labor group that restricts its membership from voting because they may not like the results has NO business claiming they represent ANYONE but themselves.


AFA Enough is enough

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