Oct 14, UA MEC Moves to Expel United 3

October 14, 2012


"The United 3"

AFA RETALIATIONOn September 14, 2012, Greg Davidowitch, President of United Master Executive Council (UA MEC) filed charges against THREE s-UA flight attendants for violation of Article X of the AFA-CWA Constitution and Bylaws. In charging the "United 3" with violations of AFA C&B Article X, the UA MEC president would have you believe that expressing an opposing viewpoint is a crime against the Union. His "Kangaroo Court" that is to follow may agree, but the court of public opinion will not be swayed! Instead of "reaching across the aisle" to compromise and incorporate the literally thousands of FACC supporters and subscribers who are devoted to union democracy and reform, the UA MEC has chosen to wage war on its membership by "prosecuting" and punishing the "United 3" with expulsion from the Union."
Click Below to see Details of Charges:

The Six Charges under Article X include:

  • Article X.A.1.a - Willful violation of the Constitution and Bylaws. Please Define "Willful"!
  • Article X.A.1.f - Entering into an employment agreement, or contract which might injure the union. WILD and REFUTABLE allegations. RETALIATION.
  • Article X.A.1.g - Improperly disclosing confidential matter of the union. Who, What, Where, When and WHY?
  • Article X.A.1.i - Acting in any manner to circumvent, defeat, or interfere between the union and an employer or with collective bargaining agreements. Freedom of Speech is protected by the First Amendment Right in the Constituion of the United States.
  • Article X.A.1.j - Doing any act contrary to the best interests of the union or its members. What happens to a union who acts contrary to the best interests of its members?
  • Article X.A.1.l - Acting in any manner "disloyal" to the union. How about a union "DISLOYAL" to the membership?

"Any member, regardless of membership status, may be fined, suspended, expelled or otherwise disciplined for any of the above acts"!

Article X of AFA-CWA Constitution and Bylaws:



Afa's Worst Nightmare

UA MEC President Greg Davidowitch, with the approval of AFA International, has decided to continue what he does best and continue to create drama and chaos by attacking their own members at s-UA. Charges were filed against the "UNITED 3" just as the Joint Negotiations Committee is preparing to present an opening letter to the Company, potentially jeopardizing much needed goodwill amongst UA, CAL, and CMI negotiators. It also informs the Company and the general membership that AFA will sacrifice ANYTHING and have NO scruples when their leadership and/or tenure is threatened.

"The big crime that these flight attendants committed? Nothing more and nothing less than exercising their rights to free speech and free association. Because these flight attendants have chosen to stand up to AFA's corruption and incompetence, AFA has filed charges against them under Article X of the AFA-CWA Constitution. Sound familiar? It wasn't so long ago, that (DELTA) endured the protracted AFA campaign that failed to lay out one single idea, one solid platform item, but sought instead to divide the flight attendants and attack those who didn't conform to their dogmatic ideology. That ideology and those tactics are still alive and well at AFA. And the United flight attendants continue to suffer missed opportunity, failed unity and utter dis-Respect from their own union" http://joseaibarra.blogspot.com/

Article X.A.1.f - Entering into an employment agreement, or contract which might injure the union. AFA charged that the accused were organizers for the IAM during the representation election. Of course, AFA also paid organizers who were Alaska Air, s-UA, and s-CO flight attendants. These organizers who campaigned for AFA were compensated for their organizing efforts during the representation election campaign. The election ended on June 29, 2011, when AFA won the election at the new United Airlines.

In responding to the "double standard" claim made by the membership against the AFA charges, Ken Kyle, s-UA LECP DEN stated that "receiving salaries" to do the work of the union one belongs to is very different than "receiving salaries" for actively working against the union that the person belongs to"....

First of all, NONE of the "United 3" are receiving salaries other than as employees of United Airlines. AFA PAID flight attendants at s-UA as well as other airline employees to help ORGANIZE non-AFA carriers during the representation elections at:
  • Frontier
  • Lynx
  • Ryan
  • Compass
  • Northwest
  • ExpressJets
  • GoJets
  • Allegiant
  • Pinnacle
Northwest was PFAA and Pinnacle was USW. AFA paid Frank Brown to organize at CAL and rewarded him by appointing him CAL MEC President for helping AFA win the representation election. Frank Brown was then voted out by the current CAL MEC President Marcus Valentino. Yet, Ken states that it is "not a double standard"...for AFA to pay FLIGHT ATTENDANTS from other carriers to help win elections and act as organizers for the AFA. He chastises flight attendants who question these charges and allegations by stating that "some making comments do not know the law or Union policy".

Ken Kyle might want to brush up on his own history and the law or Union policy. In fact, Ken Kyle was the interim UFAU (United Flight Attendants Union) Vice President in an effort to organize an INDEPENDENT UNION for United Airlines flight attendants in 2004 and 2005.
Does anyone remember Ken Kyle being brought up on charges of violating Article X.A.1.f under the AFA Constitution and By-Laws for being "disloyal to the union"?


Afa Kangaroo Court 2
According to the AFA Constitution & Bylaws, the charges will first be reviewed by the members of the Hearing Board and they will determine if there is "cause" to hear the charges at a formal hearing. That decision will be rendered within 15 days of the charges being made. That hearing date is scheduled for October 9th.
The Hearing Board shall be composed of three (3) regular and two (2) alternate members who shall be active members in good standing appointed jointly by the International President and the International Secretary-Treasurer with the approval of the Executive Board from a list of candidates furnished by each Master Executive Council.

The Hearing Board members being considered are Joe Oxendine, American Eagle MIA Local Council President, L.C. Acor, PSA CLT MEC/LEC President, and a possible alternate assigned to the case is Mike Flores, USAir, former MEC President (recalled earlier this year by the USAir MEC).

The charged members are prohibited from having legal counsel present at the hearing.


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Afa Delicious Trickery 2SEMINAR "FLOPS"
On September 27, 2012, AFA announced that they would be holding four hour Membership Engagement Seminars through December in domiciles across the country. The AFA boldly claims that the membership can learn about the "work of the Union at every level and build power through mobilization and collective action".
AFA also says, "Our union is member-driven and that means we are more successful when members are informed, engaged and involved"......

The seminar that was held in San Francisco on October 3rd had less than a dozen in attendance including Sara Nelson. The seminar lobbied for California's Proposition 32 measure which will be on the ballot in November. According to Sara Nelson, unionists must vote NO so that the unions will have a "voice" and not be silenced by big corporations. This concern is apparently one sided as AFA attempts to silence and level charges against the "United 3".

What is NOT obvious is that the California Prop 32 has less to do with "voice" but more about "finance". We know that money can talk, but Prop 32 is specific to automatic payroll deductions of monies used for political contributions. If passed, it will:

  • Ban both corporate and union contributions to state and local candidates
  • Ban contributions by government contractors to the politicians who control contracts awarded to them
  • Ban automatic deductions by corporations, unions, and government of employees’ wages to be used for politics

AFA is not interested in membership engagement. It is all about "raising money" for the cash strapped AFA. Let's take a look at why they made need more money:
  • Video messages to the membership from Davidowitch’s MEC were produced by Big Shoulders Digital Video at a cost to United flight attendants of $27,983.
  • Fees from a Portland, Oregon based company, CC Complete Inc., amounted to $145,635, for the cost of balloting for the recently ratified s-UA 2016 contract extension. It also includes the cost associated with putting together, distributing and tabulating the so-called s-UA “joint contract” survey.
  • A brief description from CC Complete’s own website that describes their Survey Point product should raise concern:
“Survey Point puts you in control. Performing your own data analysis allows you to focus on building corporate intelligence by extracting relevant information rather than wading through stacks of unnecessary reports. By retaining control of the authoring, administration, and analysis of your surveys you also gain the flexibility to contract with a polling expert for advice on question construction or number crunching.” http://www.cccomplete.com/#

AFA/TWU has also just asked the AFL-CIO to grant ADFA (Association of Delta Flight Attendants) exclusive rights to organize Delta fa's. AFA went so far as to create ADFA as a new identity just for Delta in an attempt to alter AFA's somewhat lackluster image. This new marketing scheme assumes that Delta flight attendants can't tell the difference and figure out that it is the very same AFA they kept off their property three different times.

AFL-CIO will appoint a "referee" to rule on whether AFA/TWU will have exclusive rights to organize Delta. ADFA Committee members met in Detroit early September with some Delta Flight Attendants and discussed how ADFA would be structured and planned for the next step towards taking collective action (organizing). That means AFA needs PEOPLE to help organize Delta and MONEY! The last three failed efforts to organize Delta cost AFA close to 14 millions dollars (dues money and borrowed from CWA).



US AIR Rejects Another Contract
On September 27, 2012, for the second time this year, flight attendants at US Airways (LCC) rejected a tentative contract agreement by just 48 votes.

The Association of Flight Attendants (AFA) said Thursday that 51% of voters rejected the proposed contract as 5,527, or 85% of the bargaining unit, voted. The vote was 2,811 against and 2,761 in favor. US Airways has approximately 6,700 total members. The existing contract offers salaries far below the levels available in the existing industry.

SEVEN years after the 2005 merger between US Airways and America West, flight attendants still work under DIFFERENT contracts. The tentative agreement would have resulted in a single contract with higher wages for both groups and would have extended strong job protections, which had been limited to the former US Airways flight attendants, to the entire group. Voters turned down the first tentative agreement in March 2012. Mike Flores, the former AFA MEC President, who had strongly backed it, was ousted by the union's executive council (MEC). The version offered in the September voting differed little from the earlier version, but had unanimous backing of all the AFA leaders.



Union Democracy
"The organized labor movement is one of the great forces for democracy and social justice in America. If that was the whole story, it would hardly need repetition, for it has been the frequent theme of talented writers. But the anomaly persists: this great pillar of democracy is itself nibbled away by the mice of bureaucracy."

"In this, labor organizations resemble all the other great institutions of democracy, even democratic government itself. To paraphrase Emerson: "Bureaucracy is in the saddle and is riding mankind." By battling for democracy inside their unions, union reformers strive to keep the labor movement on course, true to its own ideals. And, precisely because that labor movement is so indispensable a nutrient for the nation's democracy, the quest for democracy in unions is one facet of the broader striving for social justice in the nation."
Rebels, Reformers, and Racketeers: How Insurgents Transformed the Labor MovementBy Herman Benson



  • TERM LIMITS (for LEC, MEC, and Afa International). Davidowitch has been the s-UA MEC President since 2002 and his third term runs through 2014.
  • DIRECT MEMBERSHIP VOTE (amend the Constitution and By-Laws as was proposed by the s-CAL MEC at the BOD meeting in 2011 and allow flight attendants to vote for ALL MEC officers).
  • STOP FLIGHT ATTENDANT PERSECUTION!! (our union filing charges against dissenting opinions and reform movement candidates must stop!).
"In our labor movement, there are thousands of active, loyal unionists, and potentially many thousands more, independent-minded, conscious of their rights as Americans, insistent on dignified treatment in their union and on the job. Union democracy is one means of releasing that spirit as an energizing force to help overcome “apathy” in the labor movement". By Herman Benson

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