Monday, December 24, 2012

Best Wishes for a Prosperous New Year!

 'Tis a Joyous Season indeed with the announcement from the company that even though they did not receive the 1550 s-UA voluntary furloughs or partnership awards (to make up the difference), there will be no involuntary furloughs for the s-UA flight attendants! "Thank you" to all who took the voluntary furloughs/partnerships and to the Company! Congratulations also to ALPA and our pilots upon ratifying the first Joint Contract of any labor group on the property!

                                                  ONE MORE MAKES 4
 We note with sadness and dismay that the AFA International office has chosen to target another s-UA flight attendant with Article X violations, "disloyalty" to the Union. The UNITED 3 now becomes the UNITED 4. How many more before the membership stands up and demands reform and democracy? Lets start with changes to Article X of the C&B and the absurd empowerment it gives to the unelected officers at the highest level of leadership in our Union to persecute its dues paying members in good standing. Its time for change in 2013.

                        REFORM AND DEMOCRACY IN 2013

It is with this goal in mind that the following nomination and election cycles for ALL LECs in Election Category III are provided for flight attendants at these councils to demand of their representatives, whom they pay with their dues money, to support direct election of master executive and international officers, term limits, and full monthly online disclosure of all financial matters at EVERY level of the organization.  The time to take back OUR union is NOW, with THIS election cycle. 
 LEC officers will be held accountable for their actions and votes at next year’s Board of Directors’ meeting in February.  Agenda items will once again be placed on the ballot calling for an immediate change to the election of master executive council and international officers, but most local officers, seeking a lucrative career at the company-within-a-company, otherwise known as the union, dare not challenge the status quo.  There are too many individuals with out sized egos seeking higher office who do not want to let a bunch of "know-nothing" flight attendants derail their ambition.  Since records are not made available to flight attendants detailing how LECP “representatives” voted at the Board of Directors meeting, if the agenda items calling for the changes demanded to give flight attendants the respect and power they deserve, do not pass, then ALL incumbent candidates must be voted out of local council office.
An organization that has granted voting RIGHTS to their membership as a whole for officers at ALL levels of an organization is an organization that has earned the PRIVILEGE of representing a particular work group.  A labor group that restricts its membership from voting because they may not like the results has no business claiming they represent ANYONE but themselves.
                    FIRST UP IN 2013....................
will be elections in the newly created s-UA domicile in Houston, IAHSW.
Current s-UA reform candidates at IAH are: Elizabeth Saxon for LECP, Michael Contorno for LECVP, and Ricardo Miyares for LEC Sec. Treasurer.  They are staunch supporters of positive changes that afford ALL flight attendants the respect and power they deserve moving forward, TOGETHER!  
If you are based at s-UA IAH, ballots will be mailed to your home address on January 9, 2013. Polls open January 13, 2013 and voting will close January 31, 2013 with ballots being counted the same day. Make sure the AFA has your current address in order to receive a ballot! If you have questions or need to request a duplicate ballot call AFA-CWA Ballot Help Line at 800-424-2401 extension #706.
              NEXT UP IN 2013..................
Nominations    11/14/2012 - 12/20/2012
Elections           02/13/2013 - 03/13/2013

Nominations    01/07/2013 - 01/30/2013
Elections           03/04/2013 - 03/26/2013

Nominations    01/30/2013 - 02/20/2013
Elections           03/18/2013 - 04/09/2013

Nominations    01/30/2013 - 02/20/2013
    03/18/2013 - 04/09/2013 


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Saturday, December 1, 2012

Free Speech and Union Democracy

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"Union democracy (also known as labor democracy) is a school of thought within organized labor which argues that sound unionism requires adherence to principles and practices of democratic trade unionism; that internal democracy and greater membership control make unions stronger and better able to fight for the rights and interests of working people. The goal is to prevent the manifestation of the so-called iron law of oligarchy: that all forms of organization, regardless of how democratic they may be at the start, eventually and inevitably develop into oligarchies with swollen bureaucracies".

"Principles include:
  • Frequent, contested elections, with rank-and-file members regularly challenging incumbents, and resultant turnover in officers and representatives, with all candidates having equal access to membership lists before elections, including the right to copy the list.
  • Open publications, with newsletters and websites publishing all members' views, including those critical of officials, representatives, or union policy, and the union encouraging open and free debate and discussion of issues and candidates; with election candidates having equal use of union publications and means of communication (website, newsletter, e-mail list) to put out their campaign material..............."

 If the AFA is truly a democratic union as they claim to be, then ask yourself, why persecute the "United 3" for expressing dissent? The answer to that question lies in the definition of oligarchy:
"Oligarchy  is a form of power structure in which power effectively rests with a small number of people".

Take Action Now!

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Saturday, November 24, 2012

Many Have Asked About Another Crossover...

......And we thank you all so much for your email! The Company is not opposed to the
crossover, but the union (AFA UA MEC) we believe prefers not to erode their membership base which is why they refused the crossover the first time it was offered.

The dues monies would go to CAL MEC while the UA MEC loses dues from
furloughs and crossovers.  Finances would seem to have had more to do with the decision for UA MEC, rather than what is beneficial to their membership. Which is why instead of allowing us to vote on the "Continental like" contract in 2010 in order to enter into joint
negotiations, they chose instead to go into the s-UA "substandard" Section 6
in 2011 and here we are!

The only reason the crossover was offered the second time is because the Company
made it a condition of the Expedited Negotiation that became our ratified contract.

Now, the best avenue is the combined contract. If it delays significantly, there
is nothing that says a crossover cannot be considered again. Unfortunately, those of you
who do would temporarily be on the bottom of all current s-CO new hires and possibly the
2,000 that will be hired in 2013-2014.

In the meantime, stay informed, TELL YOUR LECP you want a combined contract
TELL YOUR LECP to stop wasting time and to drop the charges against the "UNITED 3",
all 3 are supporters of crossovers and the combined contract!

TELL YOUR LECP AND MEC PRESIDENT.......................     
Click to Sign

There will also be local election cycles beginning soon. Vote for a new direction in our Union.  Please stay involved and share the information! We will also do our best to keep you informed.
And please feel free to contact us at any time.

Fly Safe!

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Thursday, November 22, 2012


Wishes You and Yours

A Very Happy Thanksgiving!
Thank You for All Your Continued Support!

Sign up for our email updates by simply entering your email address. No other personal information is required and we will not share your address with advertisers or any other group. And don't forget to sign the "Free the United 3" petition!

Saturday, November 17, 2012

AFA, The "UN"-Democratic Union

MECP to the Membership

At this point in time, the Furloughs (voluntary or involuntary) are a disgrace. The job of a union is to keep everyone employed with the best benefits available. Not to pay benefits to those who are not productive. The benefit that the UA MEC keeps touting (free medical etc.) is not free. The active employees pay for them, as with any "buy outs" that are negotiated at the table. The reliance on the good nature of flight attendants to want to prevent furloughs also prevents the membership from looking below the surface and evaluating what is wrong with the entire program. It was poor AFA leadership that got us here and poor AFA leadership that will keep the program going with no progress elsewhere at the negotiating table. Furloughs should be unacceptable to all of us when it is merely used as a tool for re-balancing the workforce. For your deja vu moment read this article published back on Aug 28, 2008 about 1550 flight attendant furloughs at United Airlines!! 

The AFA leadership had several options and obligations as a "democratic" union. The first and most important was to truthfully educate the membership about the labor contracts, and then bring the first offer in May 2010 for a "Continental like contract" to the s-UA membership and let them vote on it. The second was another chance to do so immediately after the representation election instead of going into Section 6 negotiations soley at s-UA. If anything, it would have allowed a pay increase and we would have immediately gone into joint contract negotiations to resolve "metal protection" that keeps us separate, with hiring going on at the s-CO side and furloughs on the s-UA side.  In the meantime, what was done is done. Now the time has come and we need to CHANGE leadership! To get a Joint contract means to reform our leadership through new LEC elections as they arise - honestly, do we want Greg D. for everyone at the New United?

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Thursday, November 1, 2012

Ground Hog Day @USAir.....United AFA Too?!?

AFA's despicable track record concerning joint contract negotiations and seniority integration issues at merged airlines is on display again. You would think by now the lesson would be learned. But...........the next  JNC session at United is postponed until "sometime in December" while the persecution of the United 3 gets put on the front burner. Is United AFA on course to duplicate its years of failure at a JNC for USAir??
Consider this and judge for yourselves:


US AIR Rejects Another Contract
On September 27, 2012, for the second time this year, flight attendants at US Airways (LCC) rejected a tentative contract agreement by just 48 votes.

The Association of Flight Attendants (AFA) said Thursday that 51% of voters rejected the proposed contract as 5,527, or 85% of the bargaining unit, voted. The vote was 2,811 against and 2,761 in favor.  US Airways has approximately 6,700 total members.  The existing contract  offers salaries far below the levels available in the existing industry.

SEVEN years after the 2005 merger between US Airways and America West, flight attendants still work under DIFFERENT contracts. The tentative agreement would have resulted in a single contract with higher wages for both groups and would have extended strong job protections, which had been limited to the former US Airways flight attendants, to the entire group. Voters turned down the first tentative agreement in March 2012.  Mike Flores, the former AFA MEC President, who had strongly backed it, was ousted by the union's executive council (MEC). The version offered in the September voting differed little from the earlier version, but had unanimous backing of all the AFA leaders.


              UA MEC'S Kangaroo Court Moving Forward!

Next Show: United 3 "Expulsion Trial"
 According to the AFA Constitution & Bylaws, the charges against the United 3 where reviewed by the members of the Hearing Board and they have determined that there is "cause" to hear the charges at a formal hearing. No formal announcement of that hearing date has been made yet and who knows if this so called "hearing" will be open to the general membership or not. 
Tell your MEC President Greg Davidowitch that you demand all members in good standing, United and Continental, be allowed to attend this display of "afa democracy" in action. Email him at:




"The organized labor movement is one of the great forces for democracy and social justice in America. If that was the whole story, it would hardly need repetition, for it has been the frequent theme of talented writers. But the anomaly persists: this great pillar of democracy is itself nibbled away by the mice of bureaucracy."

"In this, labor organizations resemble all the other great institutions of democracy, even democratic government itself. To paraphrase Emerson: "Bureaucracy is in the saddle and is riding mankind."  By battling for democracy inside their unions, union reformers strive to keep the labor movement on course, true to its own ideals. And, precisely because that labor movement is so indispensable a nutrient for the nation's democracy, the quest for democracy in unions is one facet of the broader striving for social justice in the nation."  
Rebels, Reformers, and Racketeers: How Insurgents Transformed the Labor Movement By Herman Benson


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Sunday, October 14, 2012

UA MEC Moves to Expel "United 3"

AFA Hearing Board
Registered letters from the AFA Hearing Board went out to the "United 3" informing them that the Board has accepted jurisdiction over the Article X charges filed against them by Greg Davidowich UA MECP and that a hearing will be scheduled within 60 days. Also a request for additional evidence against the "United 3" has been denied. No explanation for the denial was given. AFA "democracy" in action.
  “To view the opposition as dangerous is to misunderstand the basic concepts of democracy. To oppress the opposition is to assault the very foundation of democracy.”
                  Aung San Suu Kyi, Letters from Burma

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Thursday, October 4, 2012

UA MEC President Files Charges against Members

In charging the "United 3" with violations of AFA C&B Article X, (view the charges here), the UA- MEC president would have you believe that expressing an opposing viewpoint is a crime against the Union. His "Kangaroo Court" that is to follow may agree, but the court of public opinion will not be swayed! Instead of  "reaching across the aisle" to compromise and incorporate the literally thousands of FACC supporters and subscribers who are devoted to true union democracy and reform, the UA MEC has chosen to wage war on its membership by "prosecuting" and punishing the "United 3" with expulsion from the Union. 

UA-AFA should heed these words of wisdom:

“Laws just or unjust may govern men's actions. Tyrannies may restrain or regulate their words. The machinery of propaganda may pack their minds with falsehood and deny them truth for many generations of time. But the soul of man thus held in trance or frozen in a long night can be awakened by a spark coming from God knows where and in a moment the whole structure of lies and oppression is on trial for its life.” 

Sir Winston Churchill

FACC: Advocates for Union Democracy

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Saturday, September 8, 2012

More on afa-CWA's LM2 Filings

Dept of Labor Public Disclosure

Fifteen of the eighteen bases “governed” by the CWA flight attendants are required to file an LM-3 report, since receipts to these CWA locals are less than a quarter million dollars.  Though it makes sifting through the information less onerous than the far more detailed LM-2 reports required of DCA, ORD, SFO, the UAL MEC, the International Office, and the parent union (CWA), it omits some points of interest of which the well informed Afa-CWA flight attendant should be aware.

Beginning with CWA Local 21005 (JFK Council 5), total income is reported as $98,577.  Cross reference that figure with the international LM-2, however, and they reported funding Local 21005 with $37,499.  The additional $61,058 is flight pay loss compensation, though the LM-3 has no place to report this.  It is only looking at the more detailed LM-2s from DCA, ORD, and SFO that one can see clearly the reported reimbursement from the Company to the LEC's for trips paid but not flown by Afa officers and employees.  To simply reference one report or the other provides an incomplete picture and no accurate sourcing of funds paid to the LEC for “representational” activities.  These activities can range from actual work in a Afa office off-site and inaccessible to many flight attendants, or simply staying at home and thinking about stuff.

On page two, total membership is reported as 668 members, which means JFK Council 5 flight attendants paid a total of $344,688 but saw only 29% of their dues money actually returning to the base.  This is a wonderful example of trickle-down economics since our dues money, paid directly into the CWA treasury is apportioned out to the flight attendant sector international office.  After taking their cut, they then parcel it out to the TWENTY-ONE MECs that exist under the CWA’s umbrella.  These payments vary depending on the size of the carrier, but range from $2,322,220 paid to Greg Davidowitch’s MEC at United Airlines, down to $57,722 paid to Compass Airlines.  (Incidentally, since Compass has yet to ratify a first contract, the rest of us gets to foot the bill for that.  There is no dues money being collected from Compass flight attendants).

Officers’ salaries are listed on page 3 of the report and range from a low of $1,564 for LEC Representative Kristina Teller to a high of $19,113 for LEC Vice President Richard Dagnall ($6,286 in salary and $12,827 in expenses for conducting representational activities and “union” business.  The total spent on these six officers was $60,728.

Page 4 contains Statement B which lists the total receipt of $98,577 broken down into the officers’ salaries and reimbursed expenses, employees’ salaries of $15,753, per capita tax of $1,067 and the vaguely defined office and administrative expense of $21,029.  Everything seems fairly straightforward and tidy, even frugal, until you reach page five and read question 16. 

Past CWA LM-2s consolidated officers’ and employees’ salaries in one convenient location, whereas now, disclosure becomes obfuscation and transparency, opacity. On the last page there is a short list of officers who may have been paid additional money from other sources.  For instance, the $19,113 paid to Mr. Dagnall for services rendered to CWA Local 21005 was ONLY what was paid to him from the JFKSW  local.  He is also listed as a committee member of Local 22021 (DCA), the UAL MEC as a committee member, the sector international as a committee member, and as a part-time employee of the CWA itself, which paid an additional $27,925.  It is only through cross referencing these additional reports can one discern a total salary and non-itemized expense reimbursement of $47,038.  This is money paid over and above any trips actually flown during the year. 

Ken Diaz’ actual salary works out to a total of $15,784 ($4,219 salary and $11,565 expenses) from Local 21005 (JFKSW), another $38,933 from the MEC ($30,757 salary and $8,176 in expenses), $1,991 from the AFA International Office ($1,516 in salary and $475 in expenses), and yet another $10,707 in salary from the parent union (CWA) itself, for a total compensation package of $67,415.  Without referencing FOUR separate reports there is no way for the average WORKING flight attendant to put these figures together to arrive at the total cost of Mr. Diaz to the flight attendants of Local 21005(JFK).

The final three names listed in the additional information summary each received money from Local 21005(JFK) as well as from the parent union.  Antoine Belizaire was paid $847 from the JFK local, and another $12,367 from the CWA.  Michael Mate was paid $3 by JFK but earned $41,358 ($27,280 in salary and $14,078 in expenses) from CWA Local 24008 (ORD), and another $7,265 paid to him by the CWA. Gustavo Taranto was paid $3,640 by the flight attendants based in New York, and another $13,933 as a part-time employee of the parent union, the Communication Workers of America.
Stay tuned for more on the LM2's for other UA Local Executive Councils.
(All CWA-AFA LM2 Reports are available on the Dept of Labor website. Click here and use the drop down "union name" menu to locate AFA-CWA).

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Friday, August 31, 2012


Thank you to all who particpated in the FACC Survey.
The construction of the FACC survey was overseen by experienced
researchers and the calculations were supported by an outside vendor that
specializes in surveys. 
We stated that the surveys were valid and it is statistically reliable as a sampling
of the flight attendant population.  Every survey has limitations.  Limitations included the fact that flight attendants who participated in the survey may not be familiar enough with
some of the important differences in the contracts and the AFA has made no credible effort to educate the membership.  However, many of the comments on the survey by the flight attendants who participated indicated a strong understanding of basic issues in each others contracts. 
We are earnestly trying to promote a more member friendly and democratic
union.  We would like the AFA to listen to what the membership wants and not
what they would like to dictate to the rank and file as they have done for the last three
decades.  We are making no attempt to be less obvious and have been absolutely
clear about asking for reform in how AFA is structured (currently a top down pyramid).
The FACC consists of flight attendants who volunteer their time and effort
with considerable risk of retaliation for refusing to accept the status quo.
The UA MEC does not even have the integrity to disclose the results of
their survey.  We released our survey results and information with no guarantee that it will have any impact on those who are supposed to be negotiating a single contract on our
behalf.  However, they can never deny that you gave a voice in the
survey.  And as we have stated in almost every one of our emails, your
opinion should count. 
We will continue our efforts for a more inclusive union.  Thank you all
for your feedback!
Fly Safe!
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Wednesday, August 15, 2012




 99 hrs     1 min

( 99.02 x 43.73)


5.A.1 page 25


   4 hrs   50 min

(   4.83 x 43.73)


8.A,B page 50,


 12 hrs  48 min

( 12.80 x 43.73)

8.N.1,2 page 53
11.A page 93


   3 hrs  17 min

(   3.28  x 21.87)


8.H page 51


 14 hrs 58 min

(14.97  x 43.73)


19.A page 148


302 hrs 54 min

(302.90 x  1.73)


6.A.1 page 36


    5 hrs  34 min

(    5.57  x    .25)


5.I page 30





   99 hrs   1 min

( 99.02 x 52.53)


4. A page 4-1


     3 hrs 30 min

(   3.50 x 52.53)


4.O page 4-12,


   12 hrs 48 min

( 12.80 x 52.53)

4.S,T page 4-14
4.D page 4-4


     1 hr   59 min

(   1.98 x 15.00)


4.N page 4-12


   14 hrs 58 min

( 14.97 x 52.53)


9.F page 9-3


302 hrs 54 min

(302.90 x  1.95)


7.1.a page 7-2


    5 hrs 34 min

(     5.57 x    .50)


4.D page 4-4



Another $1,114 in lost earnings for the July 2012 pay period, thanks to the CWA-AFA’s B-scale UAL Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA), brings this flight attendants total lost earnings, DIRECTLY attributable to the UAL MEC and international officers’ policy decisions, since July 2011 to $20,576.  This is in comparison to the CAL CBA for EXACTLY the same type of flying, with no additional days off sacrificed or extra segments flown within published trip pairings.

With the opening of the Continental parallel bases in five hub cities next month, we invite our CAL peers to study CWA-AFA bulletin boards throughout the system for a clear illustration of how their CBA is being depicted as inferior and lacking the “protections” enjoyed by UAL flight attendants. Though the CWA labels EVERY contract they negotiate “industry-leading” the UAL MEC evidently does not feel this applies to the IAM negotiated CAL contract, despite the CAL MEC’s web site touting the “industry leading” attributes of its current collective bargaining agreement.
It is the trip and duty RIGs (ratio in guarantee) that are now being marketed by CWA-AFA management as the line in the sand, since the vaunted two-for-one rest requirement associated with exceeding eight hours of flight time in a twenty-four hour period was bargained away without a whimper under Jack Kande’s expert guidance in the last contract negotiations debacle.  So for illustrative purposes, what did the duty RIG “protections “ provide in exchange for the more than $1,100 in lost compensation for July 2012?
Since both CBA’s provide pay protection for either the greater of published flight time, or total actual time gained due to schedule irregularities, the UAL CBA generated one hour twenty minutes extra RIG pay, for a total of $58.60 at UAL CBA wages.    Holding time paid in excess of ten minutes per segment at half-pay resulted in three hours and seventeen minutes of pay or $71.73.  Contrast that with the CAL CBA’s pay of $15.00 per hour for each minute prorated in excess of thirty minutes for a total of $29.70.

Refer to the pay comparison charts above, and you will see that the RIG guarantees generated an additional $69.39 in pay “protection” in exchange for the $1,114 in total compensation available from the CAL CBA. 

By way of excuse, the UAL MEC has gone to great lengths to characterize the upcoming joint negotiations as not so much labeling one contract as superior over the other, but rather a chance to work together with the CAL and CMI MECs to fashion a new contract altogether that draws upon the best elements of all three to produce a joint contract.  This is justification on the part of the UAL MEC for needlessly protracted “negotiations” that will do nothing in the long run but produce a final joint contract that will very much resemble the current CAL CBA, and in the interim, cost UAL flight attendants their jobs.

With the pilots having reached an agreement in principle, subject to final contract language and ratification, a joint ALPA contract will pave the way for aircraft to be moved freely between subsidiaries as the Company deems necessary.  As long as the CWA-AFA continues to hamstring flight attendants while they pursue a silly agenda of continued employment for the UAL MEC, s-United attendants will lose flying at an accelerated rate.
The IAM has reached agreement with the Company to expedite negotiations for the more than thirty-five thousand employees they represent with the stated goal of achieving joint contracts for the mechanics, ramp and fleet service workers and customer service agents by mid-November.  The CW-AFA has done nothing for the flight attendant work force since winning the representation vote but position s-United flight attendants for disaster.  It is only the international and UAL MEC officers that envision a protracted negotiations period as evidenced by the 2016 amendable date of the recently ratified extension to the 1996 -2010 contract.

Without a joint contract modeled on the current CAL CBA and integrated seniority list NOW, not four years down the road, s-United attendants stand to lose far more than the thousand dollars a month shortfall the UAL MEC has decided is acceptable.  The utter disregard for the former United attendants is again made manifest by the UAL MEC’s steadfast refusal to look past their own egos and allow the CAL CBA to stand as the joint contract and then work on improvements to THAT contract in advance of its December 2014 amendable date.
Everything else is smoke and mirrors designed to distract s-United attendants from the very real job loss that is coming.
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