Tuesday, February 21, 2012


Afa Hires Consultant to Help Sell Tentative? WILL We Believe Dan Atkins?

"This deal is not only good for UNITED flight attendants but also sets the standards for other labor groups in the airline industry" - Dan Atkins, Afa hired consultant and President of Atkins & Associates, who obviously knows little about flight attendants but is well paid by Afa.

Can someone please inform Dan Atkins that the Continental Flight Attendants earn $52.53 an hour at top of pay scale with incentive pay of $5.00 an hour after 75 hours. This brings CO's pay after 75 hours to $57.53. There is also an override of $1.00 per hour for International. The International pay after 75 hours is $58.53.Atkins and Davidowitch must be taking the same pills. Davidowitch also states -
"it is also commonly recognized that our Flight Attendant benefits and work rules are superior to those of other similarly situated workers"
In fact, American, Delta, Southwest, and Continental all come to mind as "similarly situated workers", none of whom are clamoring for the same restrictions, impediments, and wage rates that we have at United!


“Who is Eligible to Vote on the Tentative Agreement?” (TA Q & A No. 4,5,6 pg 95, 96)
You must “…..meet Afa dues obligation of not only the first 90 days following the leave of absence or voluntary furlough, but all dues through and including the month in which the ballot is counted-February 2012.

Been on voluntary furlough for awhile? Where will you get the money to pay all your back dues to the Afa so you can vote? Oh, that’s right; we’re getting a signing bonus!

Not "Straight Up and to the Point" is the fact that if you are a flight attendant on inactive status (and in good standing), you may have to pay up hundreds or thousands of dollars in union dues to Afa before being allowed to VOTE!

Many flight attendants report not being allowed to vote EVEN AFTER paying up all their back dues! Are you having this problem?? Don't wait until the last minute to vote and find out the AFA is disallowing your ballot!