It's what we've always said, the power and leverage at the bargaining table lies in the membership that is given the right to vote. No picketing, pins, ribbons or any other kind of trinkets will ever garner respect from the company. In fact the opposite is true. Declaring war against the company without an army and no ammunition results in creating a civil war amongst the very membership you need to unite.
The JNC complains........"the company doesn't respect us"........well why should they? Respect?!? s-UA afa does not know the meaning of the word. Makes one wonder what ulterior motive they have in being part of the negotiations. Perhaps to stay off the airplane aisle and feather bed their own Union careers.
The members of this JNC are abject failures and for reasons mentioned above should recuse themselves from further talks immediately. Baring such action the membership should insist their LECP's call for their immediate removal.
After all this time what do flight attendants get?? Another pin to wear?!?
Maybe it really is time the Combined United flight attendants stood up for themselves and formed an Independent Union!
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