Dec 20, 2013 s-UA MEC Rejects Crossover

  December 20, 2013
Clean Up Our Union with Democracy


s-UA Ship of Fools

It's that time of year again when s-UA Flight Attendants and their families gather around their Unimatic computer screens and anxiously check the daily updates for the annual furlough program! 

This year's festival brought to you by the UA MEC, has a few twists and turns to keep it fresh and fun. 


The new Voluntary Furlough (projected at 1,950 Flight Attendants) begins on April 1, 2014 and ends on March 31, 2015. The Voluntary Furlough for the current 1,233 s-UA Flight Attendants ends on March 31, 2014.  As of Tuesday, the 19th of December, there were 778 s-UA Flight Attendants on the Volunteer Furlough list for 2014. The Company still needs approximately 1300  to reach the magic number of approximately 1,950 Flight Attendants by January 8th.The UA MEC disingenuously stated in their November 22nd letter, "Make no mistake, the potential for even one Flight attendant to be subject to involuntary furlough is something we take very seriously and the protection of Flight Attendants is our top priority." 

A CWA also stated: "Additionally, as it specifically relates to the projected headcount reduction of 1,950 Flight Attendants for the period of April 1, 2014 through March 31, 2015, management has stated that the over-staffing situation exists due to redeployment of aircraft and fleet modernization plans which have resulted in a planned reduction in block hours for the Airbus and 747-400 fleets......" before droning on and on to blame the Company.
The FOUR cross over programs that have been offered to s-UA since 2011, and the ability to vote on the CAL contract dating back to 2010 would have pre-empted EVERYTHING that is now occurring.  Instead, UA MEC has made the same missteps and failed policy decisions over and over to the continued detriment of EVERY WORKING flight attendant at s-UA. 
Sam Risoli responded in a letter on December 6th to s-UA MEC regarding the latest crossover rejection.  Risoli stated, "It is unfortunate that s-UA flight attendants will be denied opportunities for active employment as a result of S-UA AFA's demands.  This stands in stark contrast to the willingness of the S-CO and s-CMI groups, which have consistently supported cross-over programs, including programs offered for 2014....."

No one with a shred of common sense need struggle to understand the rationale here.  It doesn't serve the UA MECs BUSINESS interests to see a wholesale migration of union dues dollars to CAL MEC. That is the ONLY consideration driving this decision. 
The AFA CWA flight attendant sector in general is BROKE, in debt to the CWA, and has a track record spanning forty years of being unable to close contracts in a timely manner that then extend YEARS past their amendable dates. The spurious claim that the AFA is "the union that has transformed the Flight Attendant profession by raising wages, benefits and working conditions for 60,000 Flight Attendants at 20 airlines" is absurd on the face of it. AFA has done little since 1973 but shamefully promote its business interests at great cost to the WORKING flight attendants it purports to "represent" nor does it have the membership numbers it claims. The AFA-CWA consists of 19 airlines and ONLY if they count all THREE United Airlines subsidiaries as separate airlines. Even that number will continue to shrink after they lose US Airways to APFA and the Air Tran integration into the TWU represented Southwest Airlines. 

Furthermore, according to the AFA's own 2012-2013 LM-2 report to the US Dept of Labor......





The S-UA Letter of Agreement on Involuntary Furlough is clear and unambiguous.  "United shall not involuntarily furlough any Flight Attendant as a direct consequence of modification to the 2005-2010 Collective Bargaining Agreement." The parties also acknowledge that s-UA is overstaffed by 2100 Flight Attendants.

The hole that UA MEC has dug gets a little deeper here.  There CAN BE NO MODIFICATIONS to the current Agreement unless proper negotiating protocol is followed.  Therefore, the number 2100 is "set in stone" for the duration.

On the other hand, the s-CO Collective Bargaining Agreement has language that involuntary furlough is "not conditional."  No one on the s-CO seniority list can be involuntarily furloughed while their contract is in effect, PERIOD.  With that in mind, why would anyone on the s-CO side vote for a joint contract that does away with that protection for them?  

The truth of the matter is that NONE of this would be happening now if a Crossover program had been accepted on November 26, 2013 allowing s-UA Flight Attendants the CHOICE to stay employed.   If s-UA Flight attendants declined the opportunity, then the Company could hire additional new hires at CAL, but it would have given s-UA FA's the right of first refusal.

In s-UA MEC rejecting the crossover, there is the pusillanimous, timid response from Davidowitch himself - a shining example of the defeated and apathetic spirit that now dominates that UA MEC and its lame duck "president."  Suffice to say that it breaks NO new ground, nor even attempts to make a cogent argument - it merely reiterates the talking points that their requests were "reasonable", complaining endlessly about their lot and imagining evil corporate barons endlessly plotting their demise.  And that will be the self fulfilling prophecy and legacy of s-UA Flight Attendants and the UA MEC - a delusional fantasy played out and happily fueled by the MEC leadership until there are no s-UA Flight Attendants left employed!



In November, CMI requested Sam Risoli to authorize a crossover for approximately 7 to 27 Flight Attendants based in GUAM.  The CMI MEC,  armed with copies of previous Cross Over Letters, sat down with Sam Risoli and brought their request to his attention. "Sam explained that, even as the new CAL bases are being set up, Continental is currently overstaffed. They are no longer hiring - and are anticipating many hundreds of voluntary furloughs on the subsidiary UAL side."  It did not look like a crossover was possible.

However on November 26th, the Company did offer s-UA and CMI the crossover.  CMI immediately accepted the Crossover Proposal and a celebratory announcement was made to their Flight Attendants in their newsletter Hafa Adai, "We have a Cross Over Agreement".

The latest crossover offer, as outlined by the CMI MEC president in her letter to the CMI membership in announcing the acceptance of the crossover offer, was PRECISELY the same as the previous offer, minus the signing bonus of $2,500.  It was an offer, not a negotiation, yet Davidowitch at s-UA MEC and his merry band of jesters and clowns, seized on the opportunity to paint the company management rather than themselves as the cause of the upcoming involuntary furloughs for the s-UA Flight Attendants.


APFA Blasts AFALaura Gladding blasts AFA!!!

APFA, focused 100% on American Airlines Flight Attendants, was not pleased when they spurned the greedy CWA AFA's overtures only to then find that AFA was planning a signature card drive to force APFA into a representation election rather than lose the dues from US Airways f/a's from among their bloated ranks.

APFA's more than 16,000 dues paying members currently pay $41 per month and yet have a reported impressive net assets of $13,854,877, or more than FOUR TIMES the assets of the AFA. The AFA CWA ONLY reported net assets of $3,058,675 for FY 2012-2013.

The US Airways AFA MEC President Roger Holmin has been busy telling US Airways rank and file that it is unacceptable that US Airways Flight Attendants be forced to work under a Collective Bargaining Agreement negotiated by APFA, the terms of which were shaped to some degree by the bankruptcy proceedings of American Airlines.  Never mind that APFA's bankruptcy contract was superior to anything negotiated by the AFA CWA on behalf of s-UA Flight Attendants during their bankruptcy, or that the APFA bankruptcy contract was SUPERIOR to the terms of the US Airways stand alone contract prior to the ratification of their joint contract with America West.  Nor does he remind US Airways Flight Attendants that the US Airways contract will remain in full force and effect until a successor contract is negotiated by APFA to cover both work groups.

With quiet backing from AFA International, US Airways leadership has started a card signing campaign at APFA to spark a representation election "against" APFA.  Of course, US Airways AFA MEC denies the allegation that there is a grass roots effort to secure a representation vote.

Since AFA CWA now encourages spontaneous grass roots movements permitting flight attendants the freedom to express themselves and take control of their own futures, perhaps s-UA Flight Attendants should be offered the same opportunity by APFA and ask themselves if they wouldn't be better off if they were given the option of joining APFA?

After all, APFA has a better track record of negotiated, ratified contracts, none with a term approaching the ten year travesty that was negotiated by s-UA AFA permanently employed JNC members including Greg Davidowitch.  The APFA contract offered far superior protection of flight attendants' interests in bankruptcy court, and has a less bloated administrative and managerial infrastructure which has provided better use and stewardship of flight attendants' dues money. 

It is reason enough for any s-UA Flight Attendant to choose a union like APFA.  Davidowitch has personally cost s-UA Flight Attendants millions of dollars in lost potential income and he continues to deny s-UA Flight Attendants the dignity of personal choice for a crossover. Yet, he has ambitious plans despite his current "rudderless" leadership to catapult himself arrogantly to an AFA International position in April, 2014, when his current term at s-UA MEC ends!


Watch APFA President Lara Glading's video regarding AFA here:
APFA President


On November 29, 2013, President  of Council 64, Manny Mireles, representing 4,000 members at s-CO made a bold demand in their newsletter for "the point man in our JNC, Greg Davidowitch, and anyone on our JNC who agrees with the issuance of the latest email blast, to step down."

The JNC email (without input from the other two subsidiaries, CMI and s-CO) blasted CEO Smisek, angering the leadership of the two subsidiaries.  UA MEC  made the decision to communicate what was outside the scope and job classification of a Negotiator's role on  The President of Council 64 requested that the s-UA MEC instead try to focus on creating proposals and results, rather than creating soundbites.

"We have more than one leader in our Union and the JNC should leave the battle cries and pitchforks, to those who don't have the duty to walk into a room (in two days) and face the company you just publicly slammed".

It was also pointed out by the President of Council 64 that the JNC Update appeared to address the fate of sUA membership and the state of the"counter proposal" to a s-UA Crossover agreement rather than the state of negotiations. "These negotiations are about more than s-UA. They are about three airlines, three cultures....."

Now the UA MEC has painted itself and s-UA Flight Attendants into a corner from which it cannot escape.  The s-UA bargaining strategy was ill-conceived from the start and was chosen to mollify the huge egos of those individuals who still, against all reason, consider themselves "leaders". It must be difficult to breathe in the vacuum in which these people live, because their bubble of self-delusion and denial is airtight. 

We applaud the bold stance taken by the President of s-CO Council 64.  Now we are waiting for the s-UA Master Executive Council members to take a stance!!

"The Ignorance of One Voter in a Democracy Impairs the Security Of All"

John F. Kennedy
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