Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Not so Subtle Infiltration Attempt at s-CO.....

The CAL MEC has taken great pains in the two plus years since the representation vote in June 2011 to assure and support s-CAL attendants that their contract and culture will be safeguarded. 

 Rest assured that the "old guard" AFA flight attendant “leadership,” in concert with the UAL MEC, is attempting to reverse the growing tide of change that is challenging their entrenched and coveted elitism, by inserting candidates at the local level who will take their marching orders from International Officers determined to keep the status quo intact.  A strong turnout in the EWR vote for candidates committed to change at ALL levels of the CWA-AFA will strengthen the hard won momentum established thus far.

A vote for candidates NOT committed to these changes is a vote to deprive not only EWR attendants the accessible, IN BASE representation to which they are accustomed but will move all CAL attendants toward the unresponsive, heavy handed condescension of current union management that has resulted in years of frustration for WORKING flight attendants and a litany of some of the worst contracts in the industry.


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Thursday, October 10, 2013



Everyone should have received their ballot pin number in the mail for elections at s-CO Council 62 and s-UA Councils 21, 27 and 14. If you have not received your ballot pin number please call 1-800-424-2401, Extension 707. If you get an answering machine make sure to include your Name, Airline, Employee ID and a Contact phone number. This office is open Monday through Friday from 9am to 5pm ET. 

The turn out of this election cycle is important. It will determine whether or not the AFA continues down the path of the old guard s-UA MEC or takes a new direction. The choice is clear and there is no doubt the United Airlines management watches the results and makes decisions at the negotiating table based on those results.

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