Wednesday, July 11, 2012


 Ask yourselves this:

*Do you feel comfortable with protections in your current contract if this TA is turned down?
*Will the Company bother with continuing separate Sec 6 or want to go straight into joint negotiations?
*Will you lose leverage at the joint negotiating table without this contract extension?
*Are you willing to live with your current contract for possibly the next several years during joint negotiations?

These are just some of the questions that may effect your decision to vote yes or no. And remember, you can change you vote as many times as you wish right up to the deadline. Only your last vote counts.

The following is a perspective from CAL flight attendant Denny Wheeling, posted on a social media website, reprinted with permission:

"(For the sCO FAs and crossovers. 

Some food for thought as we move inevitably closer to a combined contract.
This post is intended to inform, not influence your vote on our TA one way or the other.

So as sCO prepares to vote on a TA which could become our new contract, the sUA MEC has already started campaigning to their members for a restrictive, non-productive, contract based on failed concepts that are overdue to be scrapped. With tacit approval at the International Level, they have consistently attempted to marginalize the sCO side of this merger since the beginning. It’s not enough they held their own starved membership hostage with a sub-standard contract which provided none of the improvements promised during the campaign- now they are actively condemning our contract and way of life. A way of life, and a style of flying that has provided us with the most flexibility in the industry, the highest wages of ANY legacy carrier, the ability to tailor your flying and income to meet your individual needs, and the freedom to do so without concern for whether you will be senior enough to “hold a trip trade”.

The attack on our lifestyle, and career potential is coming from the sUA MEC, backed by the International Level- not the average rank & file sUA FA. These FAs have been bombarded with propaganda, mis-information, and blatant lies ever since the merger was announced, and these practices continue today. Most of these FAs have no real, clear, or factual information regarding our contract or way of life. They are basing opinions on what they have been fed by their MEC & the International Level. These unscrupulous attempts at discrediting our ELECTED leaders, our contract, and our way of life need to stop. This is not only unfair to us a workgroup of dues paying members, but borders on failure to provide fair & unbiased representation. If the International Level won’t police the sUA MEC and enforce the non-interference clauses in the C&B, how can we expect fair treatment in any aspect of dealing with our new “union”? I encourage all of you, regardless of your opinion of the TA before us, to e-mail Veda Shook (, voice your concerns, and demand she step in to curtail this divisive behavior on the part of the sUA MEC. Tell them to back off. We are dues paying AFA members, and so far have not received the services, protections, or promises made since our kidnapping.

To those who would blow this off by saying “get involved”- I am involved, and I am encouraging all sCO FAs to do likewise.

Vote your conscience on our TA, but make sure you fully understand all the issues, and all the potential ramifications of your Vote.)"


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