ADVOCATES FOR UNION DEMOCRACY. WORKING FOR UNITY AND CHANGE WITHIN OUR FLIGHT ATTENDANT WORKFORCE. It is only the collective good of a combined work force working for Unity, Democracy and Independence -NOW- that is the aim of the FACC. No one person dictates the terms or direction of the group. That is the very definition of “member-driven” and the purest form of democracy. ...... JOIN US TODAY!
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Ask Yourself How Much AFA Failure Will Cost You This Year
Afa Raises Dues from $43 to $48 a Month!
REMEMBER - It was $38 in 2004 after the CWA Merger! That is over a 25% Dues Increase While Flight Attendants Lost Wages, Pension, & Benefits!
Afa MEC Officers Get a Huge Pay Increase this year!
Do You Really Trust Afa's Promise to Get us a Combined Contract??? They "Broke" Every Promise Since 1996! In Fact, UA Flight Attendants Overwhelmingly VOTED DOWN the CWA Merger in 2003!!!
REMEMBER - The TA you are now voting on contains nothing that Afa promised you in terms of money, job security, or really anything else of substance. And it is full of loopholes the Company can exploit. But Afa really wants to pass this TA, so you have to believe this is the best we could do, and please rest assured,
as Afa says:
The money will come
It's not all about money
Together we can do better
Whatever it takes
We're member driven
Wear your yellow ribbon
Send Jeff a post card
We have leverage
This is just a "stepping stone"
Maybe Afa also has ocean front property for "Sale" to raise money because raising our dues will not pay for all of their high salaries and the 14 million owed the CWA!